Education ruins our common sense. Wisdom is mightier than mere knowledge.
One day a Farmer and his educated son, went for camping in the nearby forest. They lit the campfire as it started getting cold, cooked their dinner and put up the tent. After having dinner, they sneaked into their tent and went to sleep.
At midnight, suddenly father woke up the son and pointing upwards he asked,
Father: Hey! What can you see?
Son: A night Sky full of twinkling stars.
Father: Ok… What else?
Son: The Moon, some of the other bright objects are planets, and if you will look carefully some bright stars make up patterns in the sky, these are called constellation. Oh! and that moving blinking light may be coming from an aircraft nearby. Sometimes we also notice a bright, fleeting streak across the sky, they are meteors..
Father: Hmm… so how all this is useful?
Son: The study of celestial bodies is called Astronomy. These observations are useful in deciphering mysteries of universe, helpful in studying birth of stars and planets, the strange properties of black holes, and evolution of galaxies from billon of years. Also an astronomer named Hubble discovered that our universe is expanding.
Father: Hmm…. ohk… so what do you infer from this?
Son: When scientists accepted that universe is expanding, it was proposed that it might be very small at some point in the past. Then the theory of Big Bang was put forth which explains the beginning of our universe.
Father: Hmm…very good Son… this is fine, but… (sigh!! )
Son: (irked) BUT WHAT ???? what do you want to know…
Father: I just wanted you to realize that our tent has been stolen. So let’s run and search a safer shelter.
Nowadays we usually tend to underestimate our parents and elders. People assume themselves to be smarter on the basis of the knowledge which is gained through education. They often neglect the fact that wisdom i.e. is ability to discern is acquired through experience. Wisdom play a very important role in application of relevant knowledge in the practical scenario.
So… be wise, otherwise…